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Endurance 4H Solo Dirt

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Endurance 4H Solo Dirt Empty Endurance 4H Solo Dirt

Сообщение  Deejay Вт Янв 14, 2014 11:09 pm

Endurance 4H Solo Dirt Banni%C3%A8re4H

Hey all !

The 4H of DIRT Endurance is back on Trackmania² Stadium, organized by Jack, Deejay and Kansaki!

After the success of the first edition, organized in may 2013 with the victory of NWT Manu, we re-offer you the opportunity to test yourself in a solo endurance ! This race will work with the help of a plugin, specially coded by JTT Maverick !
For this tournament, rewards will be tags (1st Gold, 2nd Silver, 3rd Bronze).

The staff took care of your reports about the map of the last edition. This time, we propose you a simply map, adapted for the endurance. This track is of course unreleased, and was built by Kansaki.

Way of the Tournament

• All the informations about the race details are available in the general rules.
• Registrations are opened from now to Saturday, february 8th at 11:59pm : HERE
• Start of the Endurance at 3:00pm ! Discovery of the map at 2:30pm.
• During the race, you will be able to make two breaks (one of 3 minutes and one of 6 minutes) to relax your-self.

Don't miss this event which will be a great endurance race ! Some streams will be organized by TmLive, and servers TV will be available if it's possible.  Who will succeed NWT Manu ? The answer on February 9th!

- The Admins .


Сообщения : 4
Дата регистрации : 2012-09-10

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