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International Dirt Cup

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International Dirt Cup Empty International Dirt Cup

Сообщение  WrtTeam Вс Авг 25, 2013 6:43 pm

International Dirt Cup Volz


Сообщения : 4
Дата регистрации : 2013-08-25

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International Dirt Cup Empty Re: International Dirt Cup

Сообщение  WrtTeam Пн Сен 02, 2013 10:39 am

International Dirt Cup 79ay12

Hi dirt’s friends !!

The summer holidays end and it is the moment for the team WRT to reveal its first dirt competition by team with the launch of TM2 Stadium!!
That is why the team WRT asks any mappeur to create us your most beautiful bosses of work to use to create our future packs map.
You will find 3 types of maps to be created, because as you know " the change it is now ", of it made you already have a surprise: 3 types of maps before the official rules goes out.
We ask you this opportunity  to mapper without excess of hexa, of course we tolerate it within the framework of correction of bug, fluidity or even of cut.

- We have some limitations to be given :

First of all, we ask for 3 types of maps:
- a "short" map, between 45 and 55 seconds,
- a "long" map, between 1 minute 05 and 1 minute 15,
- a modlap of 2 tours between 1 minute 55 and 2 minutes 05.

The portions of asphalt are to be used with economy, so no tech passage in asphalt;
All the Checkpoints will naturally have to be able to be " respawn ";
In case of " respaw ", the player can follow his course to be able to end the map

Maps will have to be in day, without mod staff and will have to make a total weight of planets 3000 maximum;

The signs of directions will be sent to you by e-mail, and if your map is retained, an additional pack "pub" will be sent to you for the definitive validation.

For the name of the map, he must be preceded by the tag IDC -, then place in your inspiration for the rest!

No password must be put on the map;

Sending of maps : international.dirt.cup@gmail.com

Deadline of transmission of maps: in December 15st, 2013

It is an obvious fact but it is better to call back it, none of the maps must be available on the download, whether it is on ManiaExchange or somewhere else.

- Selection of maps :

A jury interns WRT will be indicated for the selection.
Maps will be noted by " anonymous way " (author and name will be changed).

- Rewards for the selected maps :

60 000 Planets is to be divided for the 24 maps selected !
18 maps selected will receive 2000 planets,
And the authors of the 6 maps considered "best" by our jury will receive 4000 Planets.
Go to build !!

The staff WRT


Сообщения : 4
Дата регистрации : 2013-08-25

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International Dirt Cup Empty Re: International Dirt Cup

Сообщение  WrtTeam Вс Дек 29, 2013 4:57 pm

Hello to you and happy holiday season, remember that the late registration are January 12.



Сообщения : 4
Дата регистрации : 2013-08-25

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